Thursday, January 29, 2009

TIK bedsheet

People here have an expression, "TIK", which I've already heard a number of times, though I've only been here for a week. It means 'This is Kyrgyzstan' and is used whenever something turns out to not work or not work quite the way a Westerner would have anticipated or desired. It is usually said in an amused tone. Well, I had a TIK moment when I attempted to put my newly purchased and washed bedsheet on my bed. You might be able to see in the first picture the orange strip on the top of my bed. This is my mattress. Yup, the bedsheet is not large enough to be tucked in either length-wise or breadth-wise, which makes it impossible to make a hospital corners bed. This gives me an excuse for sloppy bed making, but I would probably rather have a bed sheet I can tuck in so it stays on my bed. The bedsheet also has an obvious seam running along it - obviously where two sheets of fabric were sewn together. It would never be sold in, say, Target, but TIK - and I'll get used to it!

Incidentally, while shopping for household necessities, I discovered some difference of aesthetic taste between Kyrgyz and me. The design you witness was the one O1 liked - there weren't many options so I thought I might as well pick a design which Kyrgyz visitors will derive aesthetic pleasure from. The blanket which you witness in the second shot is incredibly soft and actually (unintentionally) matches my pink curtains quite well.


  1. Hmm... I don't think bedsheets like that are particularly kyrgystani! In fact, the top one actually looks like one that my parents have. I have grown up with Chinese style bed-making, which is basically a couple of sheets laid on top of the bed, with a doona to sleep under (which is then folded during the day). To this day I am unable to make a proper western-style bed without huffing and puffing and running around the bed lifting up the mattress umpteen times...

  2. It's a good excuse not to bother with all that bedmaking, hey?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I can't seem to make a bed properly without finding myself standing on top of mum would be horrified.....I put on the fitted sheet then I stand at the head of the bed and shake the sheet so that it goes out flat and then tuck it in...good thing that I'm not a nurse! :) Kris
