Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My first lone marshrutka ride

Marshrutkas are interesting things. I have not yet been on a full marshrutka; marshrutkas which I have thought were crowded were apparently relatively empty. Crowded, apparently, means you are absolutely so sardine-squashed in that not only is your nose in someone else's elbow, but you are also only able to make your way to the door to get out by dint of making a large amount of noise and doing a fair bit of shoving.

The other day, I got on a marshrutka by myself (that is, O2 saw me onto the right marshrutka to get to my destination) and managed to get off at the right spot. I didn't actually get to use my getting off phrase, though, as a helpful fellow passenger, having heard me talking about Beta Stores on my mobile (I was running late), said to me "Beta Stores" and the driver heard and therefore let me off at the street corner without my having to say anything.

But remember, it's one small step as marshrutka rides go, but one large step towards independence in taking public transport! Next time I go on a marshrutka, maybe I'll get to practise my getting off phrase. (Which is not, contrary to some public opinion, 'hasta la vista, baby!' It's actually more like 'astanavitier'. But you can hear from whence the confusion arises.)

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