Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The oven of deception

From all appearances, I have a very nice oven, more pristine and functional-looking than my oven in Melbourne, in fact. When I first tried to bake muffins in it, though, I had a very TIK moment. The first thing I heard from my oven was a loud crack, followed by several smaller ones. Internal explosions kept happening in my oven and I ended up with some shards of ceramic in my not-exactly-successful muffins.

Why? Because the top heating element of the oven touches the oven ceiling and, as you can see from the second picture, this was causing the ceramic to explode off. My landlady is coming to look at the oven later today (though I don't dare to hope that she'll actually fix it) but in the meantime, I discovered last night that I am quite able to roast pumpkin in it using only the bottom element. There were no ceramic splinters in my pumpkin, though it was sweeter than the pumpkin varieties we get in Australia (that is not the oven's fault).

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