Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Dacha (summer house)

This morning I went to the Potter's Place Dacha (a summer house near Bishkek, which more or less belongs to my company) with a couple of other women, for a time of quietness and reflection, etc. The ladder up to the top room was incredibly steep and walking up in the big fluffy Kyrgyz-style house slippers, I felt like I was about to either lose a slipper or my life if I wasn't careful with where I placed my feet. Add to that a hot cup of herbal tea, a laptop bag, and a camera, and I made my way up the ladder-stairs very slowly. Slow is becoming a word I would use to describe my motion here much more frequently than I would have in the past (I don't think 'slow' is the word many friends would associate with me, in general). There might be a lesson in that. At any rate, I enjoyed having a restful, encouraging start to spring break.


  1. Have a wonderful rest! Hope spring comes properly soon.
    love Bindy

  2. was it just chilling or did you do anything special? learning traditional cooking? ;)
