Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring is in the air...or not

Three days ago, I thought spring was in the air. We had enjoyed warmer weather for days, slipping on ice was beginning to feel like one of the phantom fears of the past, a thicker layer of dust needed washing off my hands each time I got home - all signs were pointing to the advent of the drier, warmer season of spring. I was thrilled to see the first spring buds on the trees outside my apartment. Spring was in the air.

Two days ago, it snowed. Heavily. Witness the same tree outside my apartment. I hoped the buds weren't killed by the sudden snowfall but rejoiced in the beauty of the white glory around me anyway. (That is, when I wasn't looking down grimacing at the ice and slush.)

Today it is warm again. Spring is getting here - it's just taking its own sweet time to do so.

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