Monday, March 2, 2009

Who's Lent?

I'm enjoying many funny moments in class, both from the jokesters who intentionally crack jokes and from students who unwittingly say or ask something that amuses the rest of the class. I was teaching my Grade 11s about personal writing the other day and we read an extract from an article about someone who gave up reading for Lent.

At the end of it, I asked the students what they thought of the article and one guy said, "I didn't understand the point of it. Who's Lent?"
(It was a serious question but it cracked half the class up. The other half didn't know what Lent was either. We eventually enlightened them.)

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! You get those moments all the time in English. I'd be surprised if many of my Year 11s knew what Lent was. I failed dismally at explaining the word 'catalysis' today.
    It sounds and looks like a regular English class! Can you describe your other classes too?
